Elma Forss (Arbrå)

Terminus post quem (”limit after which”, often abbreviated to TPQ)[1] and terminus ante quem (”limit before which”, abbreviated to TAQ) specify the known limits of dating for events. A terminus post quem is the earliest time the event may have happened, and a terminus ante quem is the latest. An event may well have both a terminus post quem and a terminus ante quem, in which case the limits of the possible range of dates are known at both ends, but many events have just one or the other. Similarly, terminus ad quem (”limit to which”) is the latest possible date of a non-punctual event (period, era, etc.), while terminus a quo (”limit from which”) is the earliest. The concepts are similar to those of upper and lower bounds in mathematics.




  • FRG = FOTOGRAFREGISTER 1860-1920, Version 2.0, Bernhard Johanson, http://privat.bahnhof.se/wb154895/FotReg2.0/Nerladdning.html (hämtat: 2020-02-08).
  • DigitaltMuseum:



© Fotografihistoria.se, Lars Eriksson.




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